Manuela Uber

Manuela Uber
Language: Italiano, English

Qualification: Venezia (1998)

I love reading, traveling, meeting new cultures and people, and most of all wandering around, especially in my city. I believe diversity in culture, personal life, and interests is a stimulus for knowledge.

All my tours are accessible and suitable for everybody’s interests.

The accessibility I am talking about is not exclusively referring to barrier-free streets and museums, but also to the possibility to get in touch with the place’s reality thanks to the cultural mediation of a local.
What makes a tour unique is the emotion of the meeting, the experience of the human relationship, and of marvel.

Every encounter enriches my baggage, it teaches me to appreciate even more the place where I live, and I would love to share my philosophy with you.

My formation

Born and raised in Verona, I graduated in Japanese Language and Literature at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

Even when my university course was over, I never stopped deepening my knowledge of the historical, artistic, and cultural themes of Verona’s territory, as well as dedicating time to learning new languages.

For many years, I have been working on accessible, responsible, and sustainable tourism. I attended courses on Italian Sign Language, disability, and accessibility, and I have just been awarded a Post Graduate Degree in Sensory and multi-functional disabilities, at Verona’s University.

What I suggest

Should you be in Verona for a few hours or for some days, let me guide you into a multi-sensory experience that introduces you to a new way of discovering.

After that, you can explore it on your own, look for your favorite spots, let emotions flow, and create your very special connection to Verona, as well as to your next destinations.

Traces of the multi-millennian past are at each corner, in each natural area, they are traces of the humans who lived and animated these places through the centuries, and reveal to us one after the other. Together, we find them, but at the same time we leave signs of our own passage.

Cities are places of exchange...not only exchange of goods, but they are also exchanges of words, of desires, of memories” (Calvino).

The space we live in, even for a short time, interacts with our personal space; the city is alive, it welcomes us, it lets us move in. It’s up to us to interact with respect and to let a relation start: it could be love at first sight, a feeling which arises bit by bit, or a friendship that brings back memories from time to time.

I’ll invite you to pay attention to your sensorial perceptions so that you are at the center of a personal and unique experience. You will not be visitors or listeners only, you will be interlocutors.

Guided by my words, it will then be the trajectory of your gazes or touches to make you discover endless details and secrets. Every place has a soul with which we can get in touch, similar to what happens with people’s souls: with the proper time and mindfulness.

So let’s enter silently, as walking on tiptoe, listen to the sound of our steps that resonate in the backstreets, let’s enjoy the voices in the most lively squares, the river flowing and embracing the old town, let’s caress the stones of the most famous architectures, let’s smell perfumes and scents, and taste local flavors.

Or we can leave the historical center, walk into the nature and feel as it becomes the leading character, how it breathes; let’s admire the landscape and nature’s colours changing according to the seasons, which harmonize with those of the buildings in town, a sign of the deep relationship locals have always had with the city and its surroundings.

Or let’s visit an art gallery and admire how human hands have been able to create something that conveys messages and different levels of emotions.

When we devote time to ourselves and with the proper kindness and rhythmicity, we will be able to get in touch with the genius loci of Verona and its wonderful territory.

The city preserves some of the most important Roman monuments in northern Italy, well preserved, which offer visitors - and the Veronese themselves! - the impression of being able to come into direct contact with this distant era.
An ancient culture and its heritage are hidden in the old city centre.
A unique and unusual museum with mural paintings from the 10th century onward and also paintings, statues, bronze artifacts and even some Roman amphorae
The Della Scala dinasty ruled Verona during the fourteenth century and the cultural influence they left behind is indelible.
2000 years of history connect us to the Adige river, to the various activities that needed water and driving force and which made Verona wealthy.
A visit through the centuries and styles, a first approach to get closer to the spirit of the city.
A journey to discover the stories of a painted city
The Giardino Giusti garden tour covers the historical and peaceful green parcel of land that boasts the well known labyrinth, fountains, statues and boxwood hedges.
The golden age of the Venetian rule over Verona is the of the Renaissance, perceptible everywhere, in the elegant squares, in the sumptuous palaces, in the classicism of the churches and in the priceless paintings that are preserved there.
Since 1913, the most important cultural event duing the year in Verona is the Opera Festival in the Roman Arena.
An interesting walk to discover Dante’s work and his deep connection to our town.
Just by looking at its walls you can delve into the history of Verona. Each era has changed, refurbished, destroyed and reconstructed the wall system around the city.
A family visit that will actively involve even the little ones.
SOAVE: a name that describes the color and shape of a landscape, a medieval castle, the scent of wine, the atmosphere you breathe in the small walled city!
Spend a few hours or a day in this area and discover the churches, the villas and taste wines that have become so famous, like the Amarone.