Katiuscia Lorenzini


Qualification: Verona (2000)

Essere pieni di meraviglia: il principio della filosofia non è altro che questo

La mia vocazione allo studio e alla condivisione di ciò che imparo nasce da un  sentimento che da sempre mi abita, quello della meraviglia di fronte alla realtà  naturale, artistica, storica e umana.

My formation

Dopo il diploma di liceo classico e la laurea in filosofia con indirizzo estetico-letterario, ho cominciato a lavorare come guida turistica.

La passione per la natura mi ha portata poi a studiare erboristeria  e a diventare anche guida naturalistico-ambientale.

Attualmente ho intrapreso studi di scienze religiose.

What I suggest

Di lasciarvi ispirare dagli itinerari (vedi sotto) che propongo  a partire dal mio libro Verona città fatata, itinerari attraverso colori, forme, simboli (Verona, Cierre, 2015) ma anche di ispirare me suggerendomi mete o percorsi che desiderate realizzare e che io cercherò di creare ad hoc per voi.

Qualche esempio di visita guidata adatta a tutte le età:

Itinerari dei colori. Scoprire le antiche miniere di terra gialla celate nelle colline attorno alla città; contemplare il blu lapislazzuli di certi affreschi rinascimentali; toccare il rosso dei mattoni romani e medievali; respirare il verde dei giardini storici e delle chiome di grandi alberi secolari.

Itinerari degli elementi. Camminare lungo le mulattiere dei monti Lessini e del monte Baldo tra antiche contrade costruite in pietra rosa e suggestive grotte carsiche ricche di fossili (Terra) oppure  sulle rive del fiume Adige che incornicia il centro storico della città  e del lago di Garda pullulante di antichi borghi e castelli (Acqua).

Itinerari religiosi. Visitare chiese e luoghi di culto, scrigni di bellezza materiale e spirituale.

A unique and unusual museum with mural paintings from the 10th century onward and also paintings, statues, bronze artifacts and even some Roman amphorae
The golden age of the Venetian rule over Verona is the of the Renaissance, perceptible everywhere, in the elegant squares, in the sumptuous palaces, in the classicism of the churches and in the priceless paintings that are preserved there.
SOAVE: a name that describes the color and shape of a landscape, a medieval castle, the scent of wine, the atmosphere you breathe in the small walled city!
Visit Maffei House Museum a journey from the ancient to the contemporary
Just by looking at its walls you can delve into the history of Verona. Each era has changed, refurbished, destroyed and reconstructed the wall system around the city.
A journey to discover the stories of a painted city
Since 1913, the most important cultural event duing the year in Verona is the Opera Festival in the Roman Arena.
2000 years of history connect us to the Adige river, to the various activities that needed water and driving force and which made Verona wealthy.
During the 19th century Verona experienced international prominence which placed it at the center of Europe, leading its governors to project impressive urbanistic renewal.
The Della Scala dinasty ruled Verona during the fourteenth century and the cultural influence they left behind is indelible.
After the great earthquake of 1117, once the ancient Roman city was destroyed, the people of Verona started rebuilding the city according to the codes of Romanesque Art.
Spend a few hours or a day in this area and discover the churches, the villas and taste wines that have become so famous, like the Amarone.
The castle showcases an important part of Verona’s medieval art history , its artists and the impressive innovations by Carlo Scarpa.
An interesting walk to discover Dante’s work and his deep connection to our town.
The city preserves some of the most important Roman monuments in northern Italy, well preserved, which offer visitors - and the Veronese themselves! - the impression of being able to come into direct contact with this distant era.
Discover the vibrant character of this peaceful landscape, in the largest blue mirror in Italy.
A visit through the centuries and styles, a first approach to get closer to the spirit of the city.
An ancient culture and its heritage are hidden in the old city centre.
A family visit that will actively involve even the little ones.
The Giardino Giusti garden tour covers the historical and peaceful green parcel of land that boasts the well known labyrinth, fountains, statues and boxwood hedges.