Cecilia Castagna

Cecilia Castagna
Language: Italiano, English, Deutsch

Qualification: Verona 1987

I was born and raised in Verona. While still attending high-school (Liceo
Scientifico), during the summer I loved to adventure around the world,
sleeping bag and backpack on my shoulders. I wanted to have the opportunity
to communicate with the people I met, to learn about their ideas and their way
of life. This is why I chose to graduate in Foreign Languages and Literatures
(English and German). I often stayed abroad and traveled not only for my own
pleasure but also to accompany tourists around Europe. I also taught English
in public schools, but thanks to this wonderful experience in the world of
tourism I decided that this would become my job. So I passed the exam to
become a tour guide and later also a tour leader. At the beginning of my
career as a guide, I organized stays in Verona for groups of "senior"
Americans, in collaboration with the University of Trinity College, Connecticut.
They were so nice: some wanted to adopt me and others wished to take me
home in their suitcase! An experience that made me grow and mature both
from a human and professional point of view.

My formation

Sono nata e cresciuta a Verona. Quando frequentavo il liceo scientifico, sacco a pelo e
zaino in spalla, durante l’estate mi piaceva avventurarmi in giro per il mondo. Volevo
avere la possibilità di comunicare con le persone che incontravo, conoscere le loro
idee e il loro modo di vivere. Per questo ho scelto poi di laurearmi in Lingue e
Letterature Straniere (inglese e tedesco). Soggiornavo spesso all’estero e viaggiavo
non solo per mio diletto ma anche per accompagnare i turisti in giro per l’Europa.
Insegnavo lingua inglese nella scuola pubblica, ma grazie a questa bellissima
esperienza nel mondo del turismo ho deciso che questo sarebbe diventato il lavoro
della mia vita. Così ho superato l’esame per diventare guida turistica e
successivamente anche accompagnatrice. All’inizio della mia carriera di guida ho
organizzato soggiorni a Verona per gruppi di americani della “terza età”, in
collaborazione con l’Università del Trinity College, Connecticut. Simpaticissimi:

c’era chi voleva adottarmi e chi portarmi a casa in valigia! Un’esperienza che mi ha
fatto crescere e maturare sia dal punto di vista umano che professionale.


What I suggest

Verona: the city of love but also a city to be loved! It has a particular charm:
history, beauty and romance blend together as if by magic. Its stones tell us

many stories, its architecture is fascinating, its colors are enchanting. It's like
an open-air museum. I love describing it taking inspiration from the small
details that attract our curiosity.
Embraced by the Adige river, surrounded by rolling hills, protected to the north
by the Lessini Mountains and located a stone's throw from Lake Garda,
Verona offers a great variety of landscapes and excursion possibilities. I really
like active life and nature: I love walking and cycling. I therefore propose walks
in town, hiking in the hills and cycling excursions to visit both the historic city-
center and the surrounding areas. Without forgetting the museums, precious
art containers, and the churches, which bear witness to the faith of the artists
from the past.
I like to show the city in a simple and playful, family-friendly way.
Verona was chosen as a UNESCO heritage site because it exceptionally
represents the concept of a fortified town. Through a series of "urban treks"
we will be able to explore together this important heritage of military
architecture which develops both on the plain and in the hills as an integral
part of the territory.
The urban structure of the city reflects two thousand years of history and
makes it special throughout the world. The historic center presents the
foundations and the buildings of entertainment (Theatre and Amphytheatre)
of the Roman period, the churches and palaces of power from the period of
the “Comune” up to the Lordship of the Scaligeri family, the elegant buildings
of the time of the Serenissima up to the “fortified-town” under the Habsburgs.
With pride and a lot of passion it will be an honor for me to introduce you to
my own town: Verona!

A family visit that will actively involve even the little ones.
A unique and unusual museum with mural paintings from the 10th century onward and also paintings, statues, bronze artifacts and even some Roman amphorae
Since 1913, the most important cultural event duing the year in Verona is the Opera Festival in the Roman Arena.
The Della Scala dinasty ruled Verona during the fourteenth century and the cultural influence they left behind is indelible.
A visit through the centuries and styles, a first approach to get closer to the spirit of the city.
Just by looking at its walls you can delve into the history of Verona. Each era has changed, refurbished, destroyed and reconstructed the wall system around the city.
The castle showcases an important part of Verona’s medieval art history , its artists and the impressive innovations by Carlo Scarpa.
An interesting walk to discover Dante’s work and his deep connection to our town.
2000 years of history connect us to the Adige river, to the various activities that needed water and driving force and which made Verona wealthy.
The city preserves some of the most important Roman monuments in northern Italy, well preserved, which offer visitors - and the Veronese themselves! - the impression of being able to come into direct contact with this distant era.
Spend a few hours or a day in this area and discover the churches, the villas and taste wines that have become so famous, like the Amarone.
During the 19th century Verona experienced international prominence which placed it at the center of Europe, leading its governors to project impressive urbanistic renewal.
After the great earthquake of 1117, once the ancient Roman city was destroyed, the people of Verona started rebuilding the city according to the codes of Romanesque Art.