Verona, capital city of the Scaligeri dinasty


The Scaligeri, as we call them in Italian, have been compared in some respects to the Medici family however, while the Medici ruled by exposing themselves as little as possible, the Scaligeri adopted the opposite strategy and exposed themselves as much as possible to emphasize their social position and power.
Their political project for Verona was at the forefront in the Italian context of the fourteenth century, but the adventure of the Della Scala, even if glorious, was complicated: five generations of Lords, among which the most important was Cangrande, had to juggle ancient feuds, personal ambitions, politics, plots, dark events inside the strongholds and
Palazzi and they built, surrounded by the artists they protected.
During this tour you discover this family
chiaroscuro and enter the mindset of the Lords trying to understand the reasons of their decisions, of their political and family dynamics that are sometimes incomprehensible and ferocious to us.
The Della Scala family contributed to shaping the Veronese identity and left us an extraordinary monument: their tombs!

A tour on the footprints of the Della Scala Lords unveiling the glorious moments and the obscure events in the lives of the most popular lords: Mastino, Alberto, Cangrande and Cansignorio. You meet them in the places where they lived and acted: Castelvecchio, Corte Sgarzerie, Palazzi Scaligeri, Piazza Signori and Piazza Erbe , Santa Anastasia and were they are buried: the phantasmagoric Arche Scaligere. You encounter also the Ladies of the Family: Verde, Taddea, Beatrice in their refined courtly society, among musicians, poets and artists. In the Autumn of Middle Ages Verona was the capital of a state, that proved to be splendid, but ephemeral.

Duration: starting from 2 hours

Rate: starting from 75 € per hour