The myth of Romeo and Juliet

It’s impossible to avoid the theme of Giulietta Capuleti and Romeo Montecchi: history, myth and literature have been intertwined for centuries in the alleys of Verona.
Verona walls

Almost ten kilometers of walls wind around the historic center of Verona, a heritage of history but also an unexpected journey through nature.
Dante Alighieri in the Veronese years

Verona was Dante’s residence of choice for many years after his exile from Florence. A close bond with the Scaligeri family and with local history.
Verona and the Adige river

The second river of Italy crosses the heart of Verona, creates its shape, determines its history, its economy and landscape.
Excursions in Valpolicella and in the Soave area

A range of valleys crown the province of Verona, each with its own light, its own terraced vineyards, ancient rural houses and a great wine tradition.
Visits for families, children and people with disabilities

Personalized itineraries with specifically dedicated guides.
History and tradition of the Opera in Verona

Since 1913 Verona has been one of the world capitals of the Opera. But the musical tradition in the city is much older …
The Museum of Casa Maffei

An exhibition of a very high artistic level, in a private house in the heart of Verona.
Churches and spiritual places

It is said that Verona is a “little Jerusalem”: a Holy Land of historical-artistic stratifications, from the pagan to the early Christian age, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, up to the present day.
Stroll among gastronomic specialties and taverns

The agri-food and wine sectors are the driving force of the Veronese economy. A great abundance and variety that is reflected in a very interesting and high-level food and wine offer.